Saturday, January 23, 2010

Are you a TEA Party Patriot that is going to a protest or demonstration in Washington D.C.? How are you going to bring your protest sign with you? Do you think that there is ANY CHANCE that you'll be able to find sign-making materials with MILLIONS of other patriots doing the same thing?! You can Pre-Order your very own PROTEST SIGN KIT that will arrive at your hotel, ready for you to use in just 5 MINUTES! will have your protest sign kit shipped to your hotel ahead of time, waiting for your arrival. You can have a protest sign making party with your fellow patriots the night before your event!

Our kits have everything included to make your statement seen.

From only $29.99 you'll be able to travel to your destination without having to deal with bringing a big floppy sign, sticks, and markers. Our kit is so easy to put together, that your friends will want to get one of our kits for their next event!

Visit us at to see how easy it is.

Basic Protest Sign Kit - $29.99
Patent Pending

I'll see you in D.C.!!!

I'll be at the August 28th, 2010 event, hosted by Glenn Beck, in Washington D.C.

Millions will be there to say in one loud voice, "WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!"

Please join us. If you send me a picture of your TEA Party protest sign at an event, I might post it here for others to see!

Visit: to learn more.

Jeff Bales, TEA Party Patriot
Tucson, Arizona

When protesting or demonstrating, you’ll want an effective sign, banner, or placard, made from sticks (wooden is better, pvc is harsher on the environment and not as strong) for your T.E.A. Party (tea party) sign kits. Velcro, coroplast, sticks (stix) may give you less reliability and less (les) freedom to express yourself. Patriots must walk softly, but carry a really big stick. You will love our protest tea party demonstration kits to get our message across at a Tea Party protest from Go, Scott Brown!

Protest sign kits are imperative to expressing your freedom of speech. It is a sign of the times that we are in! No one will ever say, “Somebody, show me a sign!” when they are wondering what to do when they see your sign! If you were to take one of our signs to a sporting event, they’d probably ask you to put it down. It is a large sign that is lightweight and easy to carry. This sign is designed to be the width of a person, making it an easy sign to carry. It is a little bit taller than most signs, since you will be outside. This will bring a lot more attention to your sign.

For your strong message, you need a strong protest sign kit like the protest kits we sell online at Foam board and poster board might be okay for a small local or short meeting, but won’t stand up to the demands of demonstrators, an all-day protest, the weather, and large outdoor protests. Our protest kits from are made using solid wood, bolts, wing nuts, permanent markers, strong box tape, and heavy duty cardboard. A sandwich board can work well, but will get in your way and be uncomfortable. 

Our kit is delivered via Fed Ex (Federal Express Ground) blank, ready for you to customize with your own important slogans, sayings, messages, and protest kit design. Our protest tea party demonstration kits to get our message across at a Tea Party protest must be seen! We ship direct here from to you. You will love how we gathered all of the needed supplies and ship it right to you or your hotel for you to create your own protest kit (kits) sign. This idea of our Tea Party Protest Kit is fun and creative. Build and design your protest tea party demonstration kit in your home or hotel to get your message across at a Tea Party protest or Washington D.C., rally. When you are done, either recycle it or if your message is really creative and you want to save the protest kits (kit) you can repack it and take or ship it home in the same box via Fed Ex (Federal Express) ground like we use at or your own shipper or post office. Picket is the ticket.

The events of 9/11/2001 (September 11, September 11th) changed our country forever. Our government officials had let America’s guard down, leaving us open to attack. Now, we face the same challenge as politicians try to turn our country into something else. T.E.A. Party Patriots take a stand! On (912) 9/12/2009 the (nine, twelver, twelve) 9/12 Project marched, as organized by T.E.A (tea) Party organizers and Glenn Beck (Glen) proposed in clips. T.E.A. party, partiers (tea, bag, bagger [like grocery bagger], bags, Boston, Tea, Party) protested through demonstration The protesters did not include progressive people, but did have conservative citizens, and moderates.

RINOs (RINO – Republicans In Name Only) are now seen as enemies to our republic, frequently garnering the support of ACORN, SEIU, stern, socialists, and terrorists. Their message is the same as ‘progressive’ and liberal politicians and will not make the needed change we need in Washington DC or to the current Obama administration, congress, the house, and other areas of our government like the Fed or federal reserve, the IRS, many citizens would like to abolish the IRS and end the fed. These protest messages will appear on many of our tea party protest kits (kit) signs at tea party events in Washington dc and other states. We are hoping to help by shipping them to you in DC from another great protest sign made with our kits is: T.E.A. taxed enough already.

Sarah Palin is a big supporter of conservativism and the 9/12 Project (9 principles, 12 values). As freedom lovers we unite or die, like the 13 states did. The snake on the Gadsden flag represent the colonies with its ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ statement. With patriots like these, and you sing our Tea Party Protest Kit, 1/20/13 will be the usurper Obama’s last day. Whether pro-gun or anti-abortion, you are considered to be an extremist by the former big 3 (three) media (now called the fringe media). Put this message on our protest kit sign.

Many people think that Islam (the muslim faith) stands against what many patriots stand for. Infidel (infadel spelled incorrectly) and jihad don’t sound like a religion of peace to the majority of Americans. Muslims should use a Tea Party Protest kit to speak out if their own mosque is being hijacked by a radical faction of Islam or terrorists, be they home grown on our soil or from the middle east or elsewhere in the world.

On the day of any large event, supplies (supply stores) such as office supplies, drug stores, art supplies, art store and others. We are concerned about thinking you are going to just show up like in Washington DC and expect to go to a store to buy your protest kit supplies at a store like Michaels, Walgreens, Joanns fabrics, CVS, or other brand name art or drug type stores. They could be mobbed (mob) or sold out and then you will not be able to create your own tea party protest kit sign without it being pre purchased and sent from in advance of your protest or political rally. In order to demonstrate, liberals (those who practice liberalism) and conservatives (those that practice conservatism) should have their sign materials shipped to them. It is also not feasible to gather and bring all of these materials with you on an airplane (plane) or run around town gathering them all separately. We’ve already done that work for you!

An unpatriotic bill can lead to a grass roots coalition rising in defiance. The swine flu (h1n1, pandemic, epidemic) ended up being a small threat, blown out of proportion by the WHO (World Health Organization) but the American public used our tea party type protest kit to get their protest kit message heard. The Refounders are hard at work re-building America. As a conservative community organizer, you’ll be fighting the blueprint designed by Cloward and Piven and Robert Creamer. They created the blueprints for communist and socialist takeover of America by first time czars (czar) like Van Jones. His act was followed by Mark Lloyd and others. If you are pro life, you are against abortion, and probably staggering federal debt (deficits) and amnesty for illegals. You may not be an activist, or a neo con, but you love the saying, “Drill, baby, DRILL!”. Hey, that could make an okay tea party protest kit sign.

The problem of lax border security is in relation to immigrant, immigration, illegal Mexican alien (aliens), and illegal migrant undocumented workers from other countries as well. We will march, citizens and veterans, to tell the politicians in Washington D.C. that they work for us in the federal government. We surround them, big. Hollywood is full of ‘progressive’ traitors. Alan Breitbart has done a great job of alerting us to treasonous behavior with his tv website big government. Civil war may come as a second American Revolution. We have seen a tea party protest kit sign with the message “We can disarmed, this time!” That is a very strong second amendment (2a, 2nd) tea party protest kit message!

Ann (Anne) Coulter, a right wing commentator and pundit (not a left wing ideologue or leftist) is quite popular on Fox News and at the book store. During the election, campaign, polls, and candidate election, Rasmussen reports reliable poll numbers to study. If we are not careful, oppressive, radical, Marxist (Marxism), fascist (fascism) movements might become stronger. The Plan, as described by Glenn Beck, is based upon the popular saying, “We surround them!” The People (patriots) will gather again in Washington D.C. on August, 28, 2010, to protest in one loud voice, also on 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, and April, 15, 2010 (tax day) with the TEA Party Express.

Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, McCain, Bush, and Barney Frank have all practiced ‘progressive’ politics. They are considered by some to be like Osama bin Laden, as a world wide criminal. Travel to DC will be lengthy in order to protest against ‘nobama’, ‘change’, ‘believe’, ‘messiah’, and ‘the one’. Hannity and O'Reilly (O'Reily) are a factor, as a ‘culture warrior’. Secular progressive, or sp, is the opposite of Malkin and Ingraham, pundits (pundint spelled wrong) and commentators in the no spin zone. Bold Fresh tour will promote freedom with a concert like atmosphere. Oliver North and others will join them at the capital (capitol), Congress, and Senate. We will protect the NRA, Constitution, Declaration with our protest signs and banners. Resist net neutrality as a violation of First Amendment. Second Amendment is what protects our civil rights, with guns. We need to audit the fed (federal) reserve as well. Our 10th (tenth), 1st, 2nd, and others are all important! We can’t allow them to be nullified (nullify, nullification).

Saul Alinsky (Alinski spelled wrong), developed a treasonous manifesto to convert our country into a socialist society. Kos, a daily liberal agenda outlet online, is for the kool aid drinker (cool). Obamanation can be positive or derogatory. Even on a local level, taxed enough already applies. This tax day, an anti-gov't. (government) rally will tell Obama (Barack, Barak, Barry, Soetoro) and the House, Senate, and Congress that the debate is over. The Supreme Court may support a revolt, as prescribed by the founding fathers. Islamo refers to Islamic fundamentalist (fundamentalism) issues. We’d like to see CAIR and other Muslim groups support peace only.

People of all faiths, Jewish (Jews), Catholic (Catholics), Christian (Christians), Lutheran, Protestant, Muslim, Episcopalian, Mormon, and more are all concerned about what is happening to our republic. 

If you are into studying the President’s eligibility, some media use the derogatory term, birther. They don’t like the grassroots (grass roots) movement and have labeled it Astroturf, as stated by Nancy Pelosi. Ours is a true grass roots organization of patriots, reminiscent of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, MLK, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln. We will march upon and meet at his great Memorial and monument near Arlington, Virginia. The Oathkeepers (Oath Keepers) are a patriotic group of military officers and law enforcement personnel that have vowed to never violate our Constitution. They may also be at the national mall like Fox News, CNN, and other big media outlets. Political pundits and others like, WND, town hall (townhall), red state, and others will be on hand to protest against the treasonous health care bill and the global warming (climate change, climategate, change) hoax. Don’t lose hope, with a motivated resistance like ours, a dictator will have a hard time taking power. Republican, Democrat, Independent, and Libertarian will be on hand at the rallies. Ron Paul and the GOP will take on the DNC, and treasonous green party. Moms, mothers, professionals, house wife (wives) that home school, rather than send their kids to public schools, will be there with you. Tube is where a lot of video will be posted after the events. Patriots will never allow traitors to leave the depot. MLK said, “I have a dream.” on 8/28, its anniversary since 1963.

Reform, is needed badly. Don't tread on me says it all. State's rights are very important. Universal health care is single payer, public option, and is like Cuba and China. With our deficits in the trillions, we can’t afford it… or bailouts, and TARP funds that Congress and the Senate keep pushing. The Middlemen (middle men) and Minute Men take a stand against unconstitutional mandates, handouts, bailouts, official debt, and US treasury violations. Patriotic demonstrators are using Protest Kits never have a problem with police, violence, violent, arrests, jail, angry mobs, whether white, black, Asian, African, American, or Caucasian.

The UN (united nations) and others (NATO) have been involved in Iraq’s war and terror (terrorism). They should be more liberal with their use of strength! (Boby) Bobby Jindal runs his administration in a conservative manner. Bill Iran for our war expenses! Flip this house is a cool phrase depicting the take over of the White House in the next elections. Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage (nation) will help us with the eib network, microphones that are golden, and excellence in broadcasting.

Copenhagen, climate change, global warming, carbon credits, cap and trade, Al Gore, peace prize (Nobel), cuts in freedom, false stimulus, Wall Street bail-outs by Obama, and cash for clunkers are all liberal ‘progressive’ causes and we need protest tea party demonstration kits (kit) to get our message across at a Tea Party (TEA, T.E.A., taxed enough already) protest. Ronald Reagan (1984) would be outraged by today’s political traitors. Reagan would stand for borders, language, and culture, and English only and would have used protest tea party demonstration protest kits to get his message across at a Tea Party protest. Afghanistan, and Pakistan now have elected officials using elections. 

Taxation without representation is an important issue, like fair tax and flat tax. Middle Eastern folks have even tougher issues and should also be using protest tea party demonstration kits to get a message across at a Tea Party protest of their own. World Net Daily has a lot of information on the monetary fund, gold standard, one world order (new), and big brother. Drudge Report, National Review, online pundits like Neal (neil) Boortz, Mark Levin (Levine), Arianna Huffington Post, Keith Olbermann (Olberman), Rachael (Rachel) Maddow, News Busted, Media Research Center (mrc) and others duke it out over ANWR, climate gate and many other issues like the Federal Reserve and Rothschild world banks. Have you read end the fed by Ron Paul? There is even a group on face book and other social media outlets like twitter online dedicated to end the fed and promoting Ron Paul and other tea party and protest kit (or kits) related messages.

Take a stand and make your voice heard by using a protest tea party demonstration kits (or kit) from to get your message across at a Tea Party protest! Say it in all 50 states and more: Alabama, AL, Alaska, AK, Arizona, AZ, Arkansas, AR, California, CA, Colorado, CO, Connecticut, CT, Delaware, DE, District of Columbia, DC, Florida, FL, Georgia, GA, Idaho, ID, Illinois, IL, Indiana, IN, Iowa, IA, Kansas, KS, Kentucky, KY, Louisiana, LA, Maine, ME, Maryland, MD, Massachusetts, MA, Michigan, MI, Minnesota, MN, Mississippi, MS, Missouri, MO, Montana, MT, Nebraska, NE, Nevada, NV, New Hampshire, NH, New Jersey, NJ, New Mexico, NM, New York, NY, North Carolina, NC, North Dakota, ND, Ohio, OH, Oklahoma, OK, Oregon, OR, Pennsylvania, PA, Puerto Rico, PR, Rhode Island, RI, South Carolina, SC, South Dakota, SD, Tennessee, TN, Texas, TX, Utah, UT, Vermont, VT, Virginia, VA, Washington, WA, West Virginia, WV, Wisconsin, WI, Wyoming, and WY. Have you joined your local tea party group and attended a protest or rally using a protest kit from

What do you think of our product offering? This is put together by a small partnership that takes a stand for the United States of America. It is our goal to make it easier for you to attend protests, rallies, and demonstrations so that your voice can be heard!